marcus fischer
marcus fischer
image: ©japanese forms
If expired polaroid film had a sound then Marcus Fischer's sublime Monocoastal is what it might sound like. The reason I mention 'expired polaroid film' is that, besides from making beautiful sounds, Fischer is also a photographer who has a very fine portfolio of photographs; some of which, like the cover of Monocoastal, have been taken using it. According to the press release; tape hiss, sounds originating from field recordings, as well as found instruments, are used to make sounds recorded by both analog and digital recording and thus creating; as the following reviews put it: "softly undulating gestures... like a landmass meeting the recessing sea" (Resident Advisor) or "swathes of glistening ambience keep you firmly in a dreamlike state where you're unlikely to want to return from for a while" (The Digital Fix). Couldn't have put it better myself. If, soundwise, you enjoyed Taylor Deupree's recent Shoals album you'll enjoy this one too. Highly recommended. one2zero